Honeysuckle Acupuncture Clinic in Austin

Provides professional effective and gentle acupuncture,and natural Chinese herbal medicine in Austin for acute and chronic pain management (especially for migraine, neck, shoulder, lower back pain, sciatica nerve pain, knee, ankle pain, arthritis, and RA), fertility problems, PMS, PCOS, IVF support, IUI  support, miscarriage prevention, endometriosis, menopause (hot flashes), hormone imbalance, pelvic pain, vulva pain (vulvodynia), allergies control,digestive diseases (acid reflux, gastritis, IBS, constipation, diarrhea), anxiety and stress relief, immune diseases,weight control, detoxification treatments and more. 

I have been a patient of Dr. Liu for over a year now. Prior to receiving treatment I suffered from severe symptoms associated with Ulcerative Colitis for almost 10 years. No medication available could give me relief from painful symptoms that included weight loss, fatigue, bloody stool, and fever. With no other options left, save one to remove my large intestine, I came to Dr. Liu to try acupuncture. After three sessions the symptoms that I had lived with for years started to slowly go away. By the fourth session I was completely symptoms free and feeling fantastic. Dr. Liu was able accomplish something no amount of western medicine could...absolute relief. I continue to see Dr. Liu for "tune up's" and have found his mastery of acupuncture has improved my overall health and has been fantastic for stress management.

Shay I