Acupuncture is effective treating stress, depression and anxiety

Acupuncture is widely used to treat psychological problems such

Auricular acupuncture is a potential treatment  for anxiety

Dear Dr. Zheng Zeng (Jen Jen),

Thank you so much for helping me this year! You practically saved my life. Truly. When I first met you in Janurary and I was 6 months pregnant, you helped me get centered and calm - and you did it so quickly! Honestly, I don't know when I have ever felt so horrible in my life - your acupuncture treatment combined with your bedside manner came to the rescue. THANK YOU!!

Post-partum, we worked on my breastmilk production - that was also incredibly helpful (not to mention the chicken broth you suggested!).

All this is to say that you are well-gifted in your profession - thank you for sharing your expertise, kindness, and gift with me and my baby.    

T. L.  (December 2011)